Thanks for feedback etc.
I’ve received several encouraging messages since starting this blog. Thanks for all of you who sent them! There may be even more, as our email server has been down since Saturday, and I still cannot access my account (a flood cut of the power in the server room with severe consequences). It has also been a very busy week because of an ongoing office workshop, so I didn’t have time earlier to update the blog.
Speaking about potential forthcoming culture shock: very recently my friends in Finland were organising an informal gathering, and guess what was the planning horizon… The suggested time was in more than two (2) months ahead! Here it’s pretty useless to plan anything two days in advance. Looks like I shall have to adjust my time concepts.
Speaking about potential forthcoming culture shock: very recently my friends in Finland were organising an informal gathering, and guess what was the planning horizon… The suggested time was in more than two (2) months ahead! Here it’s pretty useless to plan anything two days in advance. Looks like I shall have to adjust my time concepts.